New Polling from Firehouse Strategies & Optimus Analytics Featured in The Hill
May 28, 2020Poll: Biden leads Trump by 11 points nationally
BY JONATHAN EASLEY – 05/27/20 10:00 AM EDT
Former Vice President Joe Biden has opened up an 11-point lead over President Trump in the race for the White House, according to a new national survey.
The latest Firehouse Strategies-0ptimus poll finds Biden with 54 percent support from respondents and Trump with 43 percent. That’s a 3 point gain for Biden over the same poll in March when he led 51 to 43.
A Quinnipiac University survey released last week also found Biden ahead by 11 points but most recent national surveys show a closer race. Biden leads Trump by 5.5 points in the RealClearPolitics average.
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