Trump’s Political Capitol Wanes as Congress Negotiates Coronavirus Package Partner Alex Conant Tells the Los Angeles Times
August 7, 2020Trump, losing his grip on GOP, wields less influence as crises mount
Although the nation is in a deep economic slump, with more than 31 million Americans seeking jobless benefits, Trump has shown little interest in twisting arms in Congress to negotiate another coronavirus financial relief package that would extend unemployment benefits and help school districts struggling during the pandemic.
Trump is “not really a player in these negotiations,” said Alex Conant, a Republican strategist. “He does not have much political capital to spend on [Capitol Hill.]”
“Congressional Republicans don’t want to cross Trump, but they also don’t want to carry his water,” Conant said.
Trump’s disengagement from the nitty-gritty of governing is not new. Nor is his penchant for contradicting his own administration on matters large and small.
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Read the full article here.