Firehouse Senior Vice President Whitney Brennan Gives Insight on the Fight for Suburban Moms in 2020 in The Hill
September 16, 2020Suburban moms are going to decide the 2020 election
Pundits always find a new name for them: “soccer moms,” “Walmart moms,” “security moms.” Whatever you want to call them, this year, they’re bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic with no end in sight. They’re suburban women. They’re stressed out. And they’re going to decide the 2020 election.
Despite this seismic shift in how women are living, working, caring for, and educating their children, these all-consuming issues are being overlooked and underestimated as a major factor — if not the deciding factor — that could push suburban women to swing voters to one candidate or another.
We know about the “rage moms” this year who have shown up to protests, many for the first time and been outspoken about their anger about the pandemic. But even the women who aren’t necessarily angry are exhausted. They’re facing unprecedented economic and domestic pressures during the pandemic. They’re now the primary caregivers and teachers for their children, the person most likely to do more of the household cleaning and cooking, all while working full-time jobs or being pushed out of the workforce completely.
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